Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Long time no blog

Time is flying by for me right now. I can't believe that there is only 9 days left in January. Wasn’t New Year’s just last week? Time moves even faster at work than it did when I was in school. I didn’t think that would have been possible.

Speaking of work, Michelle (my nursing sister sent to me straight from Heaven) and I have gotten some very humbling and honoring news! We have been selected to be preceptors for the new residency program they are starting at our hospital! The idea behind the residency is that the resident follows three different preceptors over an 18 week period. The first preceptor would be with a novice-advanced beginner nurse. This is where Michelle and I fit. We have been told that we are advanced beginners. The next preceptor will be a competent nurse, and the third preceptor is an expert nurse. We were selected by our nurse manager and were the only two selected from our cohort, although some were not eligible due to the fact that they work nights and they are not using night nurses at this time. I think they find that it is too hard for the night shift residents to attend day shift classroom training.

Needless to say, Michelle and I are very humbled, honored, and excited. We graduated together, were hired for the same floor and shift within a month of each other, and now will be preceptors together. Bellevue has really set us up for an amazing start to our career. I never thought that I would be doing as well as I seem to be doing and becoming a preceptor in less than a year from graduating nursing school, and yet here I am. It is one of those things where you feel that others must see something in you that you just are not seeing in yourself. Above all other feelings is the overwhelming appreciation and excitement that I am going through this with Michelle. It has been such a comfort to have each other to go through this journey with. We have laughed, vented, and supported each other in the med room while waiting in the line during med pass time or after work with a beer. It has been a very blessed gift.

On a not so worky note, things are starting to progress with the home renovations. Alan has actually started putting in our new flooring. It is really nice and I am excited for it to be done. We have a lot of plans. Hopefully we can get it all done by next Christmas. We are replacing the flooring in all the downstairs, redoing the guest bathroom and the kitchen. I am also giving the rooms a “face lift” as we go. I also plan to turn our coat closet into a mud area…since I can’t really make it a mud room. Of course there is my sewing room, which hopefully we will be turning into a nursery at year’s end too. I actually just bought my first furniture for it on craigslist. A friend of mine knew I really wanted this particular piece and sent me a link for it. We are not even trying yet…but it was such a good deal that I had to get it!

At any rate, I have stolen enough of your time for now. Hope all is well out there! 

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